dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014


Dear 6th grade students,

school is finishing and it's time to say goodbye... goodbye to friends and teachers. Here you have the last song we are doing this year: "We are the world" by Michael Jackson (It's a modern version, for the old version look at video number 3). I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed doing English with you.

Lots of love and best wishes,  

Your English Teacher

In the first video you have the lyrics so you can sing along.

The second video is the official video where you can see the famous artists singing to collect money for Haiti.

Finaly you can see the original video made in 1985 to collect money for Africa.

dimarts, 22 d’abril del 2014

Let's go to England!

Hello students of 6th grade!

Can you imagine we go on a trip to England?? Can you imagine we visit London and its wanderful monuments? Let's imagine...

Here you can find some activities about England and what we are doing in class.

Activities mix (click on London)

A Sightseeing Tour Story

Comparisons (information)

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

London Sights activity (click on the picture)                                        London crossword (click on the picture)


divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014

Family finger song!

Let's sing a song about family with finger puppets!  Enjoy it! 

dijous, 3 d’abril del 2014


 Information about TanzaniaHello students of 5th grade!!!

Here you have some activities about the Tanzanian animals and a story.





ACTIVITIES MIX (Click on Tanzania)

Free time activities in Wales

 Wales information
If you want to learn things about Wales and practice the vocabulary and grammar we did in class, here you have some links. Click on the flag for more information.


Vocabulary game 1

Vocabulary game 2

Grammar game 1

Grammar game 2

ACTIVITIES MIX (click on Wales)

Grammar Practice

Hello students of 5th and 6th grade!!!

If you want to practice grammar (like the activities in the grammar dossier), here you have some links.

Activities for 5th and 6th grade:

Present simple (grammar dossier page 3)

Plurals (grammar dossier page 13)

A or an (grammar dossier page 13)

Activities for 6th grade:

Personal pronouns (grammar dossier page 14)

Question words (grammar dossier page 8)

Possessive case

Verbs with -ing // do exersice 1 and 2 (grammar dossier page 15, 16 and 18)

Do you like... ?

In 6th grade classes we are studing some sports and free time activities. The students did a survey to now the favourite activities of each class.

These are the videos of the questions and the graphics they did.


